The most sanquine Crimson enthusiasts realize that the University nine faces a hard proposition this afternoon and tomorrow, when Georgia University takes possession of the visitors' bench on Soldiers Field. The southerners have been playing outdoor baseball ever since the Crimson started in the cage and they have already played an even dozen games. The game will begin at 4 o'clock.
Has Had Successful Season
Georgia won the Southern Conference championship last year and with a veteran team Coach White expects his charges to repeat this spring. The team has started the season in whirlwind fashion. Before starting on its present trip it won seven victories in eight starts. It downed Dartmouth 6 to 2, pitcher Sale, likely to be on the mound today, setting the Wah-Hoo-Wah;s down with six seattered hits. The University of Michigan had still less success, losing 10 to 3 and 6 to 0 to the Southerners. Alabama pinned an 8 to 2 defeat on Georgia a week ago today, but the following afternoon Georgia took a 4 to 2 revenge.
Since starting on its trip, Georgia has found little difficulty in trouncing Virginia and Maryland twice each. Playing Maryland on Maryland's home grounds yesterday and here today is a long jump, and unless the weather-man relents the tired Southerners will have still another handicap. Even so, their brilliant record makes them a favorite over the Crimson.
Have Two Good Moundsmen
No matter which pitcher Coach White uses this afternoon the University batters will enjoy no slug-fest. Sale, playing his third year on the team, has the more impressive record. He has been chosen for the last two years on the All-Southern team, and last year he pitched a phenomenal game against the University of Virginia in which not a single Virginia reached first base. Chambers has had less experience than Sale but was also picked last year for the All-Southern, nine and is considered one of the best hurlers in the south.
Richardson, at shortstop for the visitors, is the only man playing his first year on the team. Powers, who will be behind the bat, has a record of having caught in the last 33 games that Georgia has played without missing an inning. Captain Watson and Thomason, who will hold down first and second base, were the stars of the Georgia foot ball team, and with Ramsey, the right fielder who led the team in batting last year, may spell trouble for the Crimson pitchers.
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