It is as yet uncertain in what order Captain Pfaffman '24, Alden Briggs '25, and W. W. Ingraham '25 will play in the tennis match with the Business School this Saturday. During the spring trip they alternated in each match at the first three singles positions unable to decide upon the most efficient combination. Their playing was so even that Saturday's ranking will not be determined until after test matches have been played tomorrow and Friday.
The Freshmen will inaugurate their season with a match against Worcester on Saturday. Over 50 Freshmen are trying for the six positions on the team, which will be chosen by test matches, which begin today The prospects have been badly dimmed through the scholastic difficulties of J. F. W. Whitbeck, winner of the Union tennis tournament last fall, and former Loomis captain. Lloyd Vander Horst and J. O. Parker.
As the Divinity Courts are still too wet for use, the candidates have been playing on the Jarvis Courts. The former, however, will be ready for use after one day of good weather.
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