


Final examinations begin this year on Wednesday, May 28, and will last until Friday, June 13. All examinations will begin at 9.15, except for a few at 2 o'clock, and will last three hours.

Daily exercises in all courses will end Wednesday, May 28. The complete examination list follows: WEDNESDAY, MAY 28 2 P. M. Military Science 1  New Lecture Hall Military Science 2  Emerson D Military Science 3  Emerson J Military Science 4  New Lect. Hall THURSDAY, MAY 29 Anthropology 5b  Sever 18 Astronomy 1b  Sever 5, 7, 8 Botany 7  Gray Herb. Celtic 3  Harvard 2 Chemistry 19  Sem. Mus. 1 Economics 7b  Sever 23, 24 Economics 31  Sever 6 English 2  Harvard 2, 3, 5, 6 French 9  Sever 11 German B  Emerson D German 1a, II, III  Emerson A. F German 2, sects. I, II  Emerson J German 3b  Sever 6 German 12b  Emerson J Government 8  Holden Chapel Government 31  Sem. Mus. 1 Greek B I  Sever 30 History 12  Sever 35, 36 History 17b  Sever 17 Latin 12  Sever 18 Mathematics A II, 1, 2, 3  Zool. Lect. Rm. Mathematics 4  Sever 29 Mathematics 8  Sever 18 Mathematics 25  Sever 6 Meteorology 2  Zool. Lect. Rm. Mineralogy 2  Mineral Lab. Music 6  Holden Chapel Philosophy A Dr. Bell, B1, B2, B3, B4  Emerson D Mr. Buchanan, X1, M2, X3, X4  New Lect. Hall Dr. Demos, D3, D4  Geol. Lect. Rm. Dr. Eaton, E1, E2, E3, E4  Geol. Lect. Rm. Mr. McGill, M1, X2, M3, M4  New Lect. Hall Dr. Underhill, U1, U2, U3, U4  New Lect. Hall Semitic 1  Holden Chapel Semitic 6  Andover C Semitic 11  Holden Chapel Zoology 5  Emerson D 2 P. M. Botany 13  Emerson D Economics 38  Emerson D Government 23  Emerson D History 44b  Emerson D History 46 hf  Emerson D Indic Philol. 9  Emerson D SATURDAY, MAY 31 Anthropology 3a  Sever 5 Astronomy 2a  Sever 5, 6 Biology 1  New Lect. Hall   Zool. Lect. Rm.   Geol. Lect. Rm. Botany 6  Farlow Herb. Chemistry 11  Sever 17, 18 Chinese 1  Sever 30 Chinese 2  Sever 30 Economics 6b  Sever 29 English 28  New Lect. Hall English 33  Emerson A. D. F French 6 Prof. Morize, 1  Harvard 6 Prof. Allard, 2  Harvard 3 Prof. Mercier, 3  Harvard 2 Mr. Raiche, 4  Harvard 5 Prof. Hawkins, 5  Harvard 5 Government 14  Harvard 2 Greek 2  Sever 30 Greek 12  Sever 30 History 53  Harvard 3 Hist. of Science 1  Sever 18 Italian 1  Emerson D Mathematics A V  Sever 24 Mathematics C III Prof. Coolidge, 1  Sever 35 Mr. Halbert, 2  Sever 36 Mr. Miles, 3  Sever 36 Mathematics 3  Holden Chapel Mathematics 37  Sever 24 Music 4  Glee Club Rm.   Pierian Rm. Palaeontology 1  Sem. Mus. 1 Philosophy 18a  Emerson D Physics 2b  Harvard 6 Romance Philol. 3  Sever 23 Semitic 10  Harvard 3 Semitic 17  Harvard 3 Social Ethics 1b  Emerson J MONDAY, JUNE 2 Anthropology 1  Sever 29, 30, 35 Chemistry 15  Sever 11 Chemistry 17  Emerson F Comp. Literature 40  Sever 11 Economics 5  New Lect. Hall Economics 41  Emerson F English 1  Sever 20, 23, 24 Fine Arts 1f  Robinson Hall Fine Arts 2c  Fogg Mus. Fine Arts 3b  Fogg Lect. Rm. Geology 15  Sever 17 Geology 17  Sever 17 German 1a I  Emerson A Government 19  Sever 13, 14 History B  Robinson Hall History 1 Mr. Artz, 2, 11, 22, 25  Zool. Lect. Rm. Dr. Beller, 14, 17, 27  New Lect. Hall Mr. Graves, 3, 18, 29  Harvard 3   Holden Chapel Mr. Higgins, 4, 32  Harvard 2 Mr. Kates, 5, 20  Geol. Lect. Rm. Mr. Lear, 6, 12, 23  Harvard 5 Mr. Palmer, 7, 19, 30  Harvard 6 Mr. Salmon, 8, 28, 31  New Lect. Hall Dr. Schaeffer, 1, 13, 15  New Lect. Hall Mr. Stauffer, 10  Sever 5 Mr. Stauffer, 16  Sever 6 Mr. Stauffer, 21  Sever 8 Mr. Williams, 9, 24, 26  Geol. Lect. Rm. History 3b  Emerson D Hygiene 1  Emerson J Hygiene 2  Sever 17 Italian 2  Sever 18 Latin 8  Sever 18 Mathematics A, I, 1, 2  Sever 36 Mathematics 2, I  Sem. Mus. 1 Mathematics 11  Sever 17 Mathematics 26b  Sever 18 Music 2  Emerson F Philosophy 1a  Emerson D Physics 6b  Sever 3b Psychology 21a  Emerson D Social Ethics A  Emerson J 2 P. M. Music 3  Emerson D TUESDAY, JUNE 3 Anthropology 12  Zool. Lect. Rm. Chemistry 4  Sever 36 Chemistry 34  Emerson J Classical Philol. 36  Sever 17 Economics 3  Harvard 5, 6 Economics 11  Harvard 2 English 16  Emerson J English 25  Emerson J Fine Arts 10b  Robinson Hall French 5  Sever 17 French 11  Sever 30 French 27  Emerson D German C  Sever 23, 24, 29 German H  Sever 5 Government 6  Sever 35 History 60  Sever 17 Indic Philol. 1b  Widener A Latin A  Sever 18 Mathematics A III  Sever 18 Mathematics C I  Zool. Lect. Rm. Mathematics D  Zool. Lect. Rm. Palaeontology 3  Zool. Mus. 17 Physics 14  Sever 5 Psychology B  Emerson D Psychology 5  Emerson D Social Ethics 29  Emerson D 2 P. M. French 13 hf  Emerson A Geology 18b  Emerson A Spanish 1  Emerson D WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4 Anthropology 11  Emerson F Chemistry A  Harvard 3, 5, 6 Chemistry 3  Harvard 2, Holden Chapel Chemistry 21  Sever 17 Economics 1a  Sever 35, 36 Economics 14  Emerson F Engin. Sciences 7b  Pierce 304 English 3b  Emerson D English 11b  Emerson A. J English 29b  Geol. Lect. Rm. French 8  Sever 5, 6 Geology 14  Sever 23 German 1b  Sever 11 German 5  Sever 23 History 8  Sever 24 History 9  Emerson J History 32b  New Lect. Hall Hist. of Religions 3  Sever 18 Latin B Mr. Messenger, 1  Sever 17

Prof. Greene, 2  Sever 18Latin 1  Sever 23Mathematics 2 II  Zool. Lect. Rm.Mathematics 5b  Zool. Lect. Rm.Music 3a  Sever 29Philosophy 10  Emerson DPhysics 16a  Zool. Lect. Rm.Semitic 13  Sever 18Social Ethics 6  Emerson DSpanish 5  Sever 29Zoology 15  Emerson J2 P. M.Fine Arts 1d  New Lect. HallTHURSDAY, JUNE 5Chemistry 9  Harvard 2Classical Philol. 49  Widener DEconomics 23  Harvard 3Fine Arts 22  Fogg Mus.Geology 11  Foxcroft HouseGerman AMr. Bailey, 23, 24  Harvard 2Mr. Bennett, 13, 14  Harvard 6Dr. Burkhard, 9  New Lect. HallDr. Cawley, 20  Emerson ADr. Cawley, 26  Emerson FMr. Heffner, 1, 15, 22  Emerson DDr. Herrick, 2, 10, 16, 17  New Lect. HallDr. Howe 6, 11, 25  Harvard 5Mr. Jentsch, 3, 7, 8  New Lect. HallMr. Krumpelmann, 4, 17, 19  Emerson JDr. Silz, 5, 21  Emerson DDr. Starck, 18  Harvard 6History 29  Harvard 2Philosophy 12b  Emerson DPhysics 22  Emerson ASemitic 18  Emerson A2 P. M.French A  New Lect. HallFrench 3  New Lect. HallFrench 28  New Lect. HallFRIDAY, JUNE 6Anthropology 3b  Geol. Lect. Rm.Anthropology 13  Sever 29Astronomy 4  Astron, Lab.Chemistry 6  Harvard 2Classical Philol. 23  Sever 29Economics 8  Emerson JEducation B  Emerson DEnglish 72  New. Lect. Hall  Holden ChapelFine Arts 9b  Fogg Lect. Rm.Fine Arts 28  Fogg Mus.French B  Holden ChapelFrench 17  Harvard 6Geology 5  Geol. Lect. Rm.Geology 10  Foxcroft HouseGerman 2 III  Sever 36German 26 b  Emerson DGreek A  Sever 29Greek 11  Sever 30History 23b  Sever 29History 30b  Harvard 3, 5Hist. of Religions 4  Zool. Lect. Rm.Mathematics 31  Sever 29Physics B  Zool. Lect. Rm.Physics 12  Harvard 6Scandinavian 2  Sever 36Semitic 2  Andover CSpanish 9hf.  Sever 302 P. M.English 14  Emerson JFrench 24  Emerson DGerman 36  Emerson DGovernment 2b  Emerson DMusic 1  Music Bldg.Philosophy 15  Emerson JPsychology 11  Emerson JSocial Ethics 28  Emerson JSATURDAY, JUNE 7Anthropology 2  Peabody Mus.Astronomy 2b  Astron. Lab.Chemistry 8  Sever 5, 6, 11Chemistry 23  Harvard 3Class. Archaeology 1b  Sever 30Classical Philol. 44  Sever 30Economics AMr. Blackett, S  Harvard 3Mr. Bober, B. G. I. U.  New Lect. HallMr. Ellis, F. P. R.  Harvard 6Mr. Gardner, E. J. O.  Geol. Lect. Rm.Mr. Mitchell, A. C. H. M.  New Lect. HallDr. Remer, D. K. N.  New Lect. HallMr. Roberts, L. T.  Geol. Lect. Rm.Economics 4b  Emerson D. FEnglish 54  Sever 18, 23, 24Fine Arts 1a  Fogg Lect. Rm.Fine Arts 2b  Fogg. Mus.French 1, sects. I, II  Harvard 2German 8  Sever 17German 25b  Harvard 5  Holden ChapelGovernment 4  Sever 36Greek B II  Sever 30History 13b  Sever 35History 51  Sever 17History 56  Holden ChapelItalian 10  Sever 18Mathematics A VI  Zool. Lect. Rm.Mathematics C IV  Zool. Lect. Rm.Mathematics 2 III  Zool. Lect. Rm.Mathematics 13  Sever 17Mineralogy 12  Geol. Mus. 22Music 5  Sever 17Philosophy 3  Emerson APhysics 5  Zool. Lect. Rm.Spanish 8  Emerson AMONDAY, JUNE 9Chemistry 7  Harvard 2Comp. Literature 10  Emerson A, FComp. Literature 11  Sever 17, 18, 23Economics 32  Sever 18English 35b  Sever 35, 36Fine Arts 5a  Robinson HallFrench 1, sects. 3, 4, 5, 6  Sever 5, 6, 11French 10  Sever 11Government 13b  Harvard 5, 6Government 17b  Harvard 6Greek G  Sever 29, 30Greek 15b  Sever 30Latin B III  Sever 18Latin 10  Emerson DMathematics 17  Sever 30Mineralogy 8  Mineral Lab.Music 4b hf  Sever 30Philosophy 19  Emerson JPhysics C  New Lect. Hall  Harvard 2Physics 3b  Emerson JSlavic 1b  Harvard 2Social Ethics 16  Emerson JTUESDAY, JUNE 10Economics 39  Sever 17Fine Arts 5f  Fogg Lect. Rm.French 2Prof. Whittem, 1  Emerson AMr. Fraker, 9  Sever 5Mr. Gifford, 5, 15  Emerson DMr. Gilligan, 2, 8  Emerson JMr. G. L. Lincoln, 3  Emerson FMr. J. N. Lincoln, 4, 12  Emerson DMr. Raiche, 10  Sever 36Mr. Sexton, 7, 11  Sever 11Mr. Webster, 6  Sever 30Mr. Webster, 14  Sever 35Prof. Weston, 13  Sever 6French 26  Sever 17Philosophy 25a  Emerson DZoology 7a  Emerson J2 P. M.Engin. Sciences 3  Pierce 302, 307WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11Botany 5a  Botan. Mus.Chemistry 5  Sem. Mus. 1Economics 2b  Harvard 2, 3  Holden ChapelEngin. Sciences 5b  Pierce 304English 39  Geol. Lect. Rm.English 41  Emerson D  Sever 5, 6, 11, 17, 18Fine Arts 2a  Fogg Mus.Fine Arts 2f  Robinson HallFine Arts 5g  Fogg Lect. Rm.Fine Arts 10a  Robinson HallFrench 15  Sever 36German 1c  Sever 30German 4  Sever 36German 7  Harvard 6Government 1Mr. Carey, C1, C2, C3, C4  New Lect. HallMr. Fairman, F1, F2, F3, F4  New Lect. HallMr. Havighurst, H1, H2, H3, H4  New Lect. HallMr. McClintock, M1, M2, M3, M4  New Lect. HallGovernment 11  Emerson AGreek 8  Sever 30History 11  Harvard 5, 6History 36  Emerson FHistory 39  Zool. Lect. Rm.Mathematics A IV  Zool. Lect. Rm.Mathematics C II  Sever 23, 24, 29Mathematics 9  Sever 35Mathematics 10b  Zool. Lect. Rm.Mineralogy 10  Mineral Lab.Music 1a  Music Bldg. 4Music 4c  Holden ChapelPhilosophy 5  Emerson F. JPhilosophy 8  Emerson FPhysics 1b  Geol. Lect. Rm.Slavic 1a  Emerson FSpanish 2  Geol. Lect. Rm.Zoology 3  Zool. Lect. Rm.THURSDAY, JUNE 12Chemistry 14b hf  Emerson DChemistry 22  Emerson DMathematics 39  Emerson DFRIDAY, JUNE 13Botany 10  Gray HerbEngin. Sciences 3b  Robinson HallFrench 22 hf  Sever 5History 23 hf  Sever 5History 34b  Sever 5Semitic 14  Sever
