

Coach Fisher Has His Charges Skip Rope, Perform Calisthenics, and Run Around Stadium

Before a battery of newspaper cameramen, Captain M. W. Greenough '25, led about eighty candidates for the University football team from the locker building yesterday for their initial workout of the spring training session in the Stadium.

Head Coach R. T. Fisher '12 was on hand to conduct personally the first drill, and included in his staff of assistants were J. L. Knox '98, D. C. Parmenter '13, George Owen Jr. '23, and J. J. Lee '24.

One Hour Conditioning

The work yesterday consisted entirely of preliminary conditioning, in which general calisthenics, rope skipping and passing the medicine ball occupied the bulk of the time. The workout lasted about an hour, and after a turn around the Stadium, Coach Fisher called it a day.

During the spring practice this year, particular emphasis will be placed on kicking and passing. By the end of this week, the work is expected to be far enough advanced for individual instruction to begin in earnest.


Although more candidates reported this year than in former years, the number still falls short of previous expectations, which had looked for over 100 men. Since spring football this year will last only a little over three weeks, the men who report now will be certain to receive the benefit of an intensive period of training. Practice will begin daily at 4 o'clock, and will last approximately an hour and a half.
