Invitations signed by Dean W. L. Sperry are now being a sent out to alumni, members and friends of the Theological School requesting then to attend the annual Visitation Week, which will be held this year at the School from April 22 to 24.
The program arranged for the occasion includes discussions on present-day religious topics; lectures and addresses by prominent men, chapel services at Appleton Chapel, and two dinners at the Union.
Among the speakers of the week a Principal L. P. Jacks, head of Manchester College, Oxford, England; Mr. Phillip Cabot '94, secretary of the Executive Committee of King's Chapel, Boston; Professor Kirsopp Lake, Winn Professor of Ecclesiastical History in the Theological School; Professor F. C. Porter of the Yale Divinity School; Professor E. D. Starbuck, professor of Philosophy at the University of Iowa; the Reverend T. R. William, minister of the Union Congregational Church, Brighton, England; and Dr. G. L. Richards '86, of Boston, lately returned from a world tour of mission hospitals.
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