

Makes Big Decrease in Number of Members--May Eliminate Sophomore Competitions

Complete reorganization of the Student Council, including a reduction of the present membership of the Council from 33 to 15, and a provision for the election of the first ten members of this smaller group by the two upper classes, was the decisive change passed by a two-thirds majority of the Student Council in session last night.

Under the new system, the out-going Student Council will nominate about 10 Senators and five Juniors, who will become members through a general election by their respective classes, seven Seniors and three Juniors being chosen. The other five members will be chosen by the 10 men already elected.

Provision was also under the nominating system for nominations by petition, the usual rule of 35 signatures being required with each petition. The names of These candidates will be placed upon the ballots of their respective classes and voted upon.

Approve Plan of Junior Managers

By a unanimous vote, the Student Council approved the report of the special committee, designated to investigate the question of Junior instead of Senior Managerships, that this project be put into effect.


In their report, this committee headed by B. McK. Henry '24, and consisting of Corliss Lamont '24, Raoul Pantaleont '24, K. S. Plaffman '24 and J. H. Sheburne '24, recommended that Junior managerships be established for all major sports except football.

In giving their reasons for recommending this radical change, the Committee was of the opinion that Seniors involved would have more time to study for divisionals, and would also have an opportunity to devote more attention to other activities, since managing takes up the bulk of the students' time for the entire four years. With men becoming managers in their Junior year, they would also have an opportunity of completing their college course in three years, or at the middle of their Senior year.

This recommendation as passed by the Student Council urges a favorable action by the Athletic Committee as soon is possible.

May Eliminate Sophomore Competitions

In regard to the elimination of Sophomore competitions, the Student Council voted to support the decision of the committee, which divided three to two on the subject, three members voting to eliminate Sophomore competitions, and two voting to retain them.

On the recommendation of the Track Advisory Committee, the Student Council recommended that the indoor I. C. A. A. A. A. meet be recognized a fitting climax to the indoor track season. It was further recommended that men winning places in this meet be automatically awarded a track "H", finally it was recommended that member of the relay team should be given an "H" only in case they place first or second in their events, this to be retroactive to cover member of the 1924 relay team. R. G. Allen '26, L. L. Robb '25, L. R. Brooks '26 and F. P. Kane '76, who placed second in the mile relay on March 1.

The Student Council also adopted the report of the special committee on Senior Dormitories of which Gardner Cowles '25 was chairman. The report recommended, and the Student Council strongly supported the proposal, that Weld and Matthews would be renovated as soon as possible--preferably this coming summer--in order to do make them available as Senior Dormitories.

Should it be impossible completely to renovate either one or both of the dormitories this summer, the Student Council adopted the Suggestion of the committee that no action should be taken to include the dormitories in the regular list of Senior buildings.

Should the renovation of these dormitories be made this summer, which Mr. Emery, the Assistant Comptroller says is not likely to be done, the Student Council recommends that Weld be included in the draw next year. Should a sufficient demand at some future time warrant it, the Council recommends that Matthews or some part of it be thrown open to Seniors also. If these dormitories are not renovated this summer, the Council recommends that neither be made Senior dormitories next year. If these dormitories could be made as attractive as either Grays or Holworthy, they would satisfy any Senior, in the opinion of the Student Council.

In the Treasurer's report on the Harvard University Register, published annually by the Student Council, a profit of $680.12 was announced. In his report, G. W. Thomas '24, President of the publication spoke of the difficulties in continuing the publications of the Register. It was decided that the Executive Committee of the Student Council would look into the question of finding a more satisfactory system to continue the publications in the future.

On the recommendation of the Minor Sports Council, the Student Council voted to recommend to the Athletic Committee the recognition of polo as a minor sport.

It was further proposed that recommendations for all awards, both major and minor sports, be sent directly to the Athletic Committee. This will eliminate the routine which in the past has necessitated in the case of minor sports, the approval of the Minor Sports Council, and the Student Council, and in the case of major sports, the approval of the Student Council, before they can be acted on by the Athletic Committee. A vote will be taken on this proposal at the next meeting of the Student Council.

In taking cognizance of the resignation of Dean Briggs as Chairman of the Athletic Committee, the Student Council passed the following resolution:

"The Student Council wishes to express to Dean Briggs to appreciation of his work as chairman of the Athletic Committee, particularly in the relation of this Committee to the Student Council.
