Although no actual practice can begin until local golf courses are ready for play, candidates for both the University and Freshman golf teams will meet this evening at 7 o'clock in Grays 13. Captain R. M. Clough '24 will describe the practice arrangements, and the general plan of work to be followed.
With five of last year's regulars still in College, indications point to a successful season this spring. These men,--Captain R. M. Clough '24, Clark Hodder '25, J. J. Mapes '25, W. G. Soule '25, and C. L. Peirson '25, --will be a strong foundation on which to build up a wining team. D. A. Williams '23, captain last year, will be the only regular missing when the squad ties up for its first practice.
No definite course has yet been picked for the team to play over, although the necessary arrangements are expected to be completed shortly. The first game on the schedule is with Boston University on April 24. The Yale match will be played on May 30 over the Rhode Island Country Club course of Providence.
The Freshman Schedule, one of the most ambitions yet attempted, include games with Brookline High School, Newton High School, Exeter, Andover, Princeton Freshmen, and Yale Freshmen.
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