
Dormitory Boxers to Clash Today

Preliminary trials in the interdormitory boxing tournament will be held this afternoon at Hemenway Gymnasium, when representatives from each of the three dormitories will contest for places in the finals Friday night.

This tournament is open to all Freshmen in the University, all men being eligible for competition with the dormitory to which they are affiliated. Books have been posted in each building, but men who have not registered there may do so by weighing in at 4 o'clock this afternoon.

The contests will be in the 118, 125, 135, 147, 160, 175 pound and unlimited classes. A complete set of officials will be provided by Mr. D. L. Kelly for the finals Friday night, although he will referee this afternoon. The same ring used in the University tournament will be set up again in the basement of Hemenway for this tournament.
