In accordance with the rules of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, all undergraduates in the college are required to hand in on or before May 10, at 2A University Hall, a list of four elective courses which they intend to take during the first half of the year 1924-25. All Freshmen must include their whole plan of college courses, and their choice of concentration. Students, who fall to hand in these lists, which must be approved by the faculty advisers of the students, will be subject to a fine of $5. After these lists have been handed in, they may be changed only by petition to the Committee on the Choice of Electives, or with the written consent of the faculty adviser, on the opening day of college in the fall. Banks and cards have been sent to every student, and duplicate copies may be procured at the office of the Committee on the Choice of Electives, 2A University Hall.
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