

Departments of Chemistry and Fine Arts Will Also Share-$1,250,000 Already In

New York City, March 31,-Listeners at radio receiving stations the country over formed a nationally representative audience as the Rt. Rev. William Lawrence '71, Bishop of Massachusetts, speaking tonight before a distinguished gathering of the Harvard Club, formally opened a $10,000,000 drive "to develop nationally the public service of Harvard, University". The speech was broadcasted by WJG to all parts of the United States.

The Business School, Chemistry Department, and Department of Fine Arts are the special objects for whose benefit the drive has been instituted. The gift of $1,250,000, made by Harvard graduates and announced at the Sanders exercises in honor of President Eliot on March 20, is the first subscription to the fund.

3 Unappreciated Factors

Bishop Lawrence, in referring to Business, Chemistry and Fine Arts as the three unappreciated factors in American life today, repudiated the widely held notion that business was "essentially worldly or sordid". "As a Bishop with the blood of business stock in me, I claim that essentially the calling of business has in it the elements of faith, character, romance and chivalry, associated with the highest callings."

He also discussed the great contributions to human welfare and culture made by the science of Chemistry and the appreciation of the Fine Arts, closing with the prediction "that in order that Harvard may fulfil her work of service to the nation in these three lines, the people will pour into her treasury ten million dollars."


Lawrence Opens Address

The text of Bishop Lawrence's address follows:

"Home, Shool and Church are appreciated in theory and in practice. Three other factors are more pervasive and powerful than we appreciate. They are essential to the character; safety and prosperity of the country, vital to America's Commonweal-Business Chemistry Art.

"Washington, and its virtues and vices reflect the character and habits of our people. The conditions there today are not due primarily to politics, nor to conscious dishonesty, but to the fact that men generally well-intentioned, facing strange conditions, under unaccustomed pressure, do not think straight. They do not think the ethics, the principles and the conventionalities of business through When an officer of the law makes a personal investment in a corporation which is liable to come before him officially and says that in the safe he lost money by it, a mass of the people acquit him of wrong doing; the straight thinker knows that his error was in making the investment at all losses or gains have nothing to do with the question.

Business Common To All

"Now, every person in the United States" from the child who buys its first stick of candy, the shop gid who drives a trade for a pair of shoes to the presidents of a great corporation is in business. My great grandfather who received a British bullet through his cap at Bunker Hill was a farmer and was therefore trading every day of his life. My grandfather came down to Boston in

the family chaise with $25 in his pocket and went into business; both my grandfathers and my father were able leading business men of Boston. Hence I am jealous for the good name and the high calling of business. It is not first a machanism for the making of money but is a high calling for the upbuilding of civilization its history is full of romance, chivalry and faith.

Resents Sneer at Business

"The professions of, medicine, law and the ministry are appreciated as high callings; and business is set down by popular consent as merely commercial-neccessary for money making and financial support but essentially worldly, often sordid. As a bishop with the blood of business stock in me, I resent the Insinuation, and claim that essentially the calling of business has in it elements of faith, character, romance and chivalry associated with the highest callings. Myriads of men and women in little shops on the side streets of our cities, in towns and villages throughout the land, are quietly working out that calling in honesty, truth and a high sense of public service. The village store and its hospitable stove is the centre of village gossip, political standards and public spirit. The village storekeeper is to the boys and girls, the women who buy their candy, bats and balls, cambrics and shovels, the representative of business integrity.

Need Specialized Training

"This nation needs, it must have instrumentalities whereby these boys and young men are started right, whereby they may learn not by books but by actual study of the facts and problems sound business principles, the latest and best methods and the relation of business to the other interests of life. The people today recognize the fact that the physicians, lawyers and ministers who are educated in our colleges and professional schools are as a whole best fitted to take their place in these colleges, and make their way to public confidence. There are today thirty to forty thousand boys and young men in our colleges studying the methods of business. I doubt, however, if any of our citizens realize that there is in this country only one University which has a Graduate School of Business Administration fitting men who have graduated from colleges from all over the world not by books of theory but by actual study and experience in the cases, the problems and methods of business life today.

"Chemistry is at the foundation of the nation's health, safety and prosperity.
