

Continues at Stroke on Crew "P"-Kelley Stays at Bow-First Eight One of Heaviest in Harvard's History

Important shifts in the seating of the three first University crews last week culminated yesterday afternoon in three new line-ups which Coach Stevens will give a thorough probation of probably a week before making any additional changes.

The crews are lettered P, Q, and R, rather than A, B, and C, which only indicates that Coach Stevens has not made a final choice. This same method was used by Coach Newell on the 150-pound crews until he made final selections, when they became A, B, and C respectively.

Parker Hamilton '25 will continue to stroke crew 'P, the first crew. He succeeded J. W. Adie '26 as first crew stroke last Thursday, the latter having been out of rowing for a few days on account of illness. S. B. Kelley '25, who is the only member of the first crew to retain his old seat, remains at bow on the first crew. C. O'D. Iselin 2nd, '26, is rowing at number two. G. P. Mumford Jr. '25, who formerly occupied this position, is now rowing at number four on crew Q, the second crew. Seat three is occupied by C. H. Hollister Jr. '24, who formerly rowed at number three on crew B. He succeeded Captain B. McK. Henry '24, who has been moved to number seven. Adie is now rowing at four and C. J. Hubbard '24 occupies seat five, the same which he heretofore has had on the second crew. R. L. Raymond '24, has been promoted to seat six from number four on the second crew. Captain Henry is at seven, and Hamilton at stroke completes the roster of the first boat.

Shift Is Radical

It is the most radical change the coaching staff has made this year, and brings together one of the heaviest set of oarsmen ever to represent the University on the water. Hamilton, Captain Henry, Raymond, and Hubbard are all over 180 pounds.


A strenuous program will be in order during the rest of the week, when every effort will be made to give the new combination a thorough test.

The second crew presents a number of sweeping changes, due for the most part to the changes in the first boat.

The order of the crews hereafter will be as follows:

Crew P.-Stroke, Parker Hamilton'25; 7, Captain B. McK. Henry '24; 6, R. I. Raymond Jr., '24; 5, C. J. Hubbard Jr., '24; 4, J. W. Adie '26; 3, C. H. Hollister Jr. '24; 2, C. O'D. Iselin '26; bow, S. B. Kelley '25; cox., B. H. Burnham '24.

Crew Q.-Stroke, S. N. Brown '24; 7, G. D. Krumbhaar '26; 6, Robert Winthrop'26; 5, A. L. Hobson '24; 4, G. S. Mumford Jr. '24; bow, B. F. RiceBassett '25; cox., C. S. Heard '25.

Crew R.-Stroke, Elisha Canning Jr. '26; 7, Kent Leavitt '26; 6, J. D. Jameson '24; 5, W. E. Stillwell Jr. '25; 4, C. F. Darlington Jr. '26; 3, V. F. Righter '26; J. R. Hoover '24; bow, W. J. Mlide '25; cox., W. E. Beer Jr. '26.
