

More Men Needed--Full-Time Practice Waits on Close of Basketball--Herbert Starts From Ground Up

Forty-five men reported yesterday afternoon for the first lacrosse practice. Coach Herbert is dissatisfied with that number though it is about 20 better than the record last year. He says it is far too small, even though the end of the basketball season, now at hand, will release eight or nine men for lacrosse. Full training, therefore; will not be begun until after the Yale basketball game, and new candidates for the team may present themselves until that time. Freshmen are particularly desired. More men, too, are needed for the second assistant manager competition. Candidates reporting to the Locker Building at 3.30 today will be under no handicap.

Coach Herbert is giving his men anchor of stiff workout every afternoon. Explanation of and drill in the fundamentals of passing and throwing with the lacrosse, for inexperienced men, occupied Coach Herbert's time yesterday. Practice at present is confined to stick-work and long runs for conditioning. The team will be entirely equipped with new sticks and headgear.

Under Coach Herbert's winning Syracuse system, the University team has hopes of regaining its glory of pre-war days, when the Crimson won six intercollegiate Championships in 11 seasons.
