

Drive Supervised by Julius Wadsworth '25 Will be Continued for Another Week--Coolidge Sentiment Strong

The Executive Committee of the Republican Club, consisting this year of Charlton MacVeagh '24, chairman, J. R. P. Nason '24 secretary-treasurer, J. McK. Kimball '24, C. B. Barnes Jr. '24, Boies Penrose II, '25, and Julius Wadsworth '25, announced last night that as a result of the first week's canvassing more than 400 members have been enrolled is the Club.

In order to facilitate the campaigning, a member of the Executive Committee will hold office hours in the CRIMSON Building on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 5 to 6 o'clock. The membership drive which has been supervised by Julius Wadsworth '25, will be continued for at least another week.

Among the members who have enrolled so far, there has been a strong sentiment in favor of Coolidge as the Republican nominee for President in the coming campaign. This sentiment is expected to crystalline at a large meeting which the Executive Committee has arranged for Thursday, March 20, at the Union. One or two prominent Republicans from Washington will address the meeting, and since membership in the Club is requisite for admittance, the Executive Committee requests that roen wishing to do so enroll as early as possible during the next week.
