


Twenty-three hundred men in Harvard do not eat.

In a recent survey of the eating places in Cambridge most frequented by Harvard students it has been possible to account for but 3400 of the 5700 men in the University who attend classes in Cambridge. Where the remaining 2300 men take their meals is a mystery.

This investigation was made by the CRIMSON following a statement by Mr. F. S. Mead, University Comptroller, to the effect that there had been an amazing slump in the number of men now eating at the Memorial Hall dining room and the Memorial cafeteria, the two restaurants for Harvard students maintained by the University. Since the opening of College this year, but 350 men, on an average have taken their meals in the Memorial Hall dining room, while less than 300 men have been regularly served at the cafeteria.

In an effort to solve the question of where the remaining men eat, if at all, the CRIMSON has investigated the various eating places near the Yard and obtained statistics as to the number of men eating at each, with the amazing result stated earlier in this article.

Where Do the Rest Eat?


In compiling these statistics, the starting figure was taken as 6700, the total enrolment of the University. Deducting from this the number of men in the graduate schools outside of Cambridge such as the Medical and Dental schools,--approximately 1000 men in all--there is left a total of 5700 men who attend classes in Cambridge, and by all the laws of nature, should eat there.

Assuming that about 800 men living outside Cambridge go home for their meals, this figure is reduced to 4900.

Of these, 650 eat at Memorial Hall, 200 at the Union, and another 650 at the Freshmen Dining Halls. Two hundred men also eat at Lincoin's Inn, the Law School Society; and, at a generous estimate, 500 more at the various undergraduate clubs and fraternities. Subtracting all these, there are still 2700 men to be accounted for.

Not Enough Restaurants

Do all these men eat at the public restaurants and quick lunches around the Square? Mr. George S. Smith, the manager of the Georgian Cafeteria, which is the largest of these private establishments, declares that even on his busiest days he is unable to accomodate more than 400 people at a single meal.

There remain, then, at the least a problematical 2300 whose eating place is still a mystery.

Where do they eat?
