President Ernest Martin Hopkins of Dartmouth University has recently inaugurated a new plan by which he hopes to improve the opportunities offered undergraduates. Twelve men prominent in undergraduate activities and scholarship have been appointed to visit several colleges for the purpose of studying their teaching methods, and their political, literary, and social organizations.
Two of these men will visit Harvard for this purpose immediately after the Dartmouth vacation ends on April 8. Others will be sent to Yale, Princeton, and Cornell. At present one of the number is studying the method of improving the Fine Arts Department at Dartmouth by visiting several colleges and spending a week at each. One of the representation sent to Harvard will be W. Harold Cowley, Editor-in-Chief and President of "The Dartmouth".
President Hopkins is known to be in favor of anything that stirs up the mind of the undergraduate. At a recent speech before the National Dartmouth Pow-Wow at Chicago he said: "If Lenine and Trotsky were available, I certainly would bring them into the faculty. I know no man and no interest I would not present if this would stir up the mind of the undergraduate." Open-mindedness, the ability to think, and the formation of personal convictions are, according to him, the most cherished aims of a liberal college and the greatest need of the hour.
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