The competition for the Freshman Finance Committee will begin next Monday morning it was announced last night by the 1927 secretary-treasurer. Letters have been written to over 40 members of the class, asking them to compete and giving instructions about the competition.
The money, which will be collected, will form the class fund. This fund will meet the class expenses throughout the whole college course, providing for the class smokers, dinners, and dances, and backing the Red Book, Blue Book, and Class Album in case they are unable to fulfill their contracts.
The competition will start as soon as the letters are received. No districts will be assigned to the competitors; each man will work for himself, getting as much money as possible. At the end of the competition a committee of 25 will be chosen, of which the man having collected the largest amount will be made chairman, and the next three in order sub-chairmen. This committee will be appointed on April 14.
The money will be handed in at the end of each day with a report of from whom it has been collected. Friday evening, April 13, has been the time set for the close of the competition. Last year the present Sophomore class collected over $4,000, the chairman of the committee getting $1,100 of it himself.
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