
Dartmouth Club Wants Students to Unite With Laborers Against Big Business--British Labor Party Its Example

In an "open letter to College students" which declares that the "Oil Scandal has revealed to all intelligent American citizens the real state of political government in this country," and that "under our present party system the candidates of both parties are controlled after election by big business," the Dartmouth Club for Independent Political Action has issued an appeal to "all intelligent American citizens."

The Club has for its object the "Education of American Students to bring about cooperation between labor and learning for the organization of an American Labor Party modelled along the lines of the British Labor Party."

In drawing up its platform the Club declared that "college students can cooperate with progressive and labor leaders in their continuity to carry on the movement for the formation of a party which will unite on a program of fundamental economic and political reform, including the nationalization and democratic management of public utilities and natural resources, taxation of excess profits and inheritances, government aid to farmers, opposition to war and imperialism, abolition of government injunctions in labor disputes, guarantee of civil liberties, and other measures which will pave the way for a government based on true political and industrial equality, social justice and world peace"
