The boil which has been festering in the side of Princeton for years has at last burst, covering the whole body with its disgusting discharge. Never have conditions during Bicker Week been as revolting and degrading as those of the last four days. Slander, gossip, and mud-slinging have been the rule instead of the exception. Yesterday witnessed a method of club election which would have put any decent slave-dealer during the worst days of human barter to the blush. Men were passed or rejected in a manner that would make the gorge of any decent man rise. But even this is only a small manifestation of the rottenness of a system which forces the smaller clubs to adopt such practices as the only means of filling a section.
We have dallied with this business long enough. The time has come for action, vigorous action: There can be no compromise on Bicker Week. The present system of election must go along with various other noxious customs. NO man in his right, mind can defend Bicker Week and keep a shred of honesty. The manner of elections calls forth the worst elements in human nature pride, jealousy, deceit, desire for revenge and hatred. A system founded on such a basis must go.
The tendency after Bicker Week is to let the whole matter drop, while admitting the evils it produces. The call is loud and clear to every undergraduate to keep the whole matter stirred up until it is settled. Princeton must never again be subjected to this revolting ordeal. And the situation will not be relieved until every man is firmly resolved that Bicker Week must go. The Daily Princetonian
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