At a meeting of the recently organized Silver Bay Committee, held in Randolph Breakfast room yesterday afternoon, plans were discussed for the thirty-ninth Annual Conference for college men to be held at Silver Bay, New York, for the fifth consecutve year. The object of these conferences is to discuss social, religious, and economic problems of the day, a series of lectures being given by prominent specialists in these fields.
The purpose of the Committee is to stimulate interest among Harvard men in the Silver Bay Conference, and to choose this year's delegation from Harvard. For the first time an application system will be used this year to select the delegation, and any men who are interested may obtain application blanks from members of the Committee, or from the Phillips Brooks House. The date of the Conference will be from June 12 to June 20. Last year the complete cost, including registration fee, board, and railroad fare, did not exceed $40.00, and the Committee has announced it will not exceed that figure this year.
W. H. Gratwick '25, is chairman of the Silver, Bay Committee this year. The following men in the University comprise the Commitee: R. P. Bullard '24, R. S. Hubbard '24, R. H. Sears '24, R. T. Loring '24, J. L. Caughey '25, Sterling Dow '25, Edgar Durbin '25, Lawrence Morris '25, Harvey Reiff '25, M. A. Cheek '26, A. D. Phillips '26, H. H. MacCubbin '26, E. W. Martin '26, D. LeB. Sweeney '26, B. L. Kilgour '27, C. G. T. Lundell '27, G. McC. Bond '27, Alexander Ilsley '27, Austin Lamont '27, W. A. Shimor 2G., W. G. Hicks E.T.S., F. S. Parks 3M."
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