Between 4.45 and 5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon the undergraduates of the University will acclaim Charles William Eliot '53, President of Harvard University, Emeritus, in the Yard. The University hand will start playing at 4.30. A large space has been cleared of snow, and a platform will be erected between the steps of the University Hall, facing Harvard Hall for the ceremony.
After President Eliot and his escort have been escorted from Memorial Hall to the platform by automobiles, C. H. Hubbard Jr. '24, student marshal, will present him with parchments from the college and each of the graduate schools, signed by the prominent members of each, and expressing felicitations on his ninetieth birthday. President Eliot will then deliver a short address. Cheering led by R. P. Bullard '24 and singing by the University Glee Club will end the ceremonies.
Prominent Students Sign Parchment
The parchment from the college undergraduates has been signed by the four class presidents, the Senior marshals, the captains and managers of the major sports, the presidents of three publications and of the student council, and the vice-president of the Union.
Mr. Jerome D. Greene '96 will officiate as Chief Marshal of all the celebrations. The following is a list of the Aids: Fred Norris Robinson '91, Edward Kennard Rand '94, Roger Bigelow Merriman '96. David Cheever '97, Theodore Lyman '97, Joseph Warren '97, Edgar Hurdekoper Wells '97, Roger Wolcott '99, William Phillips '00, Archibald Thompson Davison '06, James William Davenport Seymour '17, and Raymond Blaine Fosdick, Princeton '05.
Appoint Group Of Marshals
The following is a list of the marshals: George Washington Cram '88, Gustavus Howard Maynadier '89, Charles Burton Gulick '90, Matthew Luee '91, Edward Waldo Forbes '95, John Lewis Bremer '96, George Henry Chase '96, John Homans '99, Paul Jeseph Sachs '00, Henry Aaron Yeomans '00, Henry Lyman '01, Francis Wells Hunnewell '02, Roger Irving Lee '02, Henry Asbury Christian, G. '03, John Livingston Lowes, G. '03, Francis Wield Peabody '03, Chandler Rathfon Post '04, Austin Wakeman Scott, L. '09, James Waterhouse Angell '18, Robert Earle Bacon, G. '18, David Mason Little, Jr. '18, Delmar Leighton '19, and Donald Kirk David, G. '24.
The following will form President Eliot's escort from his home to Memorial Hall and afterward to University Hall: Mr. Perkins, representing the President and Fellows of Harvard: Mr. Wolcott, representing the Board of Overseers; Mr. Lyman, representing the Faculties; Mr. Wells, representing the Alumia C. J. Hubbard '24, representing the Students of the University; and Mr. Fosdick, representing the Honorary Committee of Citizens.
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