That war must be abolished before it wipes out civilization, that America must take its place as the moral leader of nations, and that the three great causes of war are economic imperialism, racial domination and militarism--these were the main thoughts left by Sherwood Eddy in an address on "The Roots of War" at the Union last night.
Calls Economic Imperialism A Cause
"The first great root of war," began the speaker, "lies in economic imperialism and competitive industrialism. This industrial strife comes from such causes as the unjust distribution of wealth and income, and unemployment."
Mr Eddy turning to his second point, racial strife, continued: "Two-thirds of the world is not of the white race. Are we to dominate the world because of racial superiority? There is a potent and ever inevitable source of war. In all the 22 countries I visited, I came back to America to find more race prejudice here than in any other country. In the last 40 years over 4,000 lynchings have taken place in the United States. Our record is disgraceful.
Militarism Is Third Root Of War
"The third root of war is militarism. I Went to Russia," Mr. Eddy said, "and found there a warning against old imperialism. As I came through the Ruhr, I saw around me the potent causes of war. I saw the banks being robbed, and I saw the tightening grips of a possible hunger famine. I felt it was a danger zone of militarism.
Wants Trial By Jury, Not By Battle
"I close with the conviction that war is wrong, and with the conviction that war should be outlawed, and that trial by, jury should be substituted for trial by battle."
Mr. Eddy will give his second talk on the general subject of "Preparedness or Pacifism?" at Peabody Hall, Phillips Brooks House, this evening at 7.30 o'clock. This talk is also open to all members of the University. The title is "Can Christianity Solve the Problem?"
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