
Miss Genevieve Stearns, 20 Years in University Hall, Celebrates Anniversary Today; Greenough Pays Tribute

Completing her twentieth year in the service of the University, Miss Genevieve Stearns is numbered among Harvard's most efficient employees. When a CRIMSON reporter tried to interview her yesterday afternoon, she exhibited considerable reluctance to be quoted, and had "nothing to say for publication."

Miss Stearns has one of the most intricate tasks in the University. One of her duties is to make out all the examination schedules, and the difficulties in this are readily apparent when one considers that on certain of the examination days, every available room in the University is in use. Courses of varying sizes must be places in rooms of proper dimensions; also certain history and fine-arts courses must be placed in rooms with lanterns. Many such details, together with requests for changes from members of the Faculty and students who are going abroad for the summer constitute a task which requires minute attention to detail and extraordinary ability.

Miss Stearns also makes all assignments of rooms to classes for the college years she arranges the directory of instructors and advisers the announcement of first meetings of courses, the circular of general information, and has charge of the appointment of examination proctors.

The following tribute by Dean Greenough expresses a sincere appreciation for her work: "Miss Stearns' skillful and devoted service to Harvard College has meant a great deal to both the Faculty and students. All who ever worked with her have the greatest respect and liking for her."
