

Six Hundred Students Come From 182 College and Universities--Harvard Heads List but Numbers Only 93

Among the 600 students new enrolled in the Harvard Graduate School of Business. Administration there are graduates from a total of 128 college and universities.

Excluding the graduates of Harvard College, of which there are 93, or only 15 per cent of the total enrollment, the University of California, with 28 graduates, has the greatest number of representatives enrolled. Dartmouth College comes next with 14, followed by the University of Minnesota, with 13, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Oberlin College, Stanford College and Yale College with 11 each. Princeton with 10 and the University of Kansas with 9.

The present enrollment of 600 nlen includes representatives from 43 states and 11 foreign countries. Excluding Massachusetts with 129 men, the State of Ohio ranks first with 51, followed by New York with 48. The State of California has 41, Minnesota 26, Pennsylvania 24 and Kansas and Iowa 16 each. Indiana has 14, Maine 14 and Micaigan and Missouri 10 each. Alabama. North Dakota, Nevada, Wyoming and Delaware are the only states not represented.

Besides the 43 states there are representatives from the District of Columbia, Hawali, and the Philippine Islands. The foreign countries represented by students enrolled in the School are Canada Belgium, France, Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland, China, Greece, India, Japan Norway, Russia and Italy.
