

Won State Championship--Did Not Lose Single Team Play Match This Season--Will Have Good Backing Next Year

William Palmer Dixon '25 of New York City was unanimously reelected captain of the University squash team at a meeting yesterday of the members of this year's team. His record this ye4ar has been an enviable one, for he has not lost a single match in team play all season, and has won the title of state champion.

Dixon should lead another strong team next year, as Carroll Harrington '24 will be the only player of Team A t9o graduate this spring. Furthermore strong support can be expected from B, which loses but two men through graduation. The logical men for these vacancies are A. L. Smith '25, who completed a whole season on Team A last year undefeated, but on account of scholastic work was unable to play this year; and H. N. Rawlins '27, captain of the Freshman team and class B state champion.

Team A Has Had Good Year

The remarkable record of Team A cannot better be shown than by statistics. Out of a total of 146 individual games played all season but 39 were lost. In the 35 matches that were played outside the state matches, only 5 were lost, Neither W. P. Dixon '25 nor J. J. Glessner '25 lost a single match in team play. The former won 27 out of 29 games.

Team A won every match of the season including the state championship, in which it did not even lose an individual match. Though defeated by Marlowe of the Union Boat Club in his initial match. Harrington lost but two games the entire remainder of the year. He also starred at number four on the victorious Boston National Inter-city championship team.


Team B Won 7 Of 9 Encounters

Team B's record though not as outstanding as that of the University team, was very creditable. It came out victorious in seven of the season's nine matches, and in each of these seven it dropped but one match.

Notable among the Team B players was J. D. Du Bois '24, who in his first year of team play, successfully defended the first position in all but two matches. He was furthermore the only man to beat the Freshman captain, Rawlins, all season. R. S. Wright '26 was handicapped by illness during the early season, but proved himself a most capable player' at the end.
