The pedagogical methods of the Graduate School of Business Administration have received the praise of a national organization of business men, it was learned yesterday, when a resolution passed recently by a convention of the National Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' Association was made public by the Bureau of Business Research.
The resolution read as follows:
"Whereas, the Harvard Graduate Business School, whose course teaches the fundamentals of business practice, and trains men for managerial positions, desires to raise a fund of $800,000 to cover three years financing of the research work necessary to obtain the material for teaching by the Case system.
"Resolved, that the National Boot and Shoe Manufacturers" Association recognizes the benefits that industry receives from the practical form of training given at this School and commends it to the attention of the members of our industry.
"Resolved, that this Association sub scribe $1000 for the year 1924 to the fund of $15,000 being raised in the shoe and allted trades for this purpose.
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