

Bishop Lawrence to Discuss the Ministry--President Hopkins to Consider "Teaching" in Last of Series

Addresses by four men of national prominence have been arranged by the Committee on the Choice of Vocations, it became known last night. The talks, concerning various professors, will be given at the Union during April and March.

"Public life and the law" will be the twofold subject of the first talk, which is scheduled for Thursday, March 6, by George W. Wickersham Hon. LL.D. '21. Mr. Wickersham was Attorney General of the United States under President Taft and is now a partner in the law firm of Cadwalader, Wickersham and Taft.

Swope Will Discuse Business

General Swope, president of the General Electric Company, will deliver the second talk on Thursday, March 13. His general subject will be "Business", but he is expected to cover not only the industries but also the economics of distribution. In addition he will treat the comparative possibilities in business and engineering.

On Wednesday, March 26, the third speaker, the Right Reverend William Lawrence '71, will talk on the ministry. He will deal especially with the possible interests for young men which the ministry may have. On a date in April to be determined later, President Ernest M. Hopkins of Dartmouth College will take "Teaching" for his general subject.


Aim to Portray Occupations

In choosing these four men and their widely different subjects, the committee's purpose has not been to place men in positions or to make their choices for them, but to bring them into contact with the means of finding out what the great occupations are, what the rewards and sacrifices involved in each, and what circumstances and human qualifications make success in each most probable.
