The list of times and places of mid-year examinations for today and tomorrow in the College and Engineering School is printed below. Examinations begin at 9.15, except a few announced for 2 o'clock. TODAY COLLEGE 9.15 A. M. Chemistry 16 Sever 5 Comp. Literature 25 Emerson A Economics 41 Fogg Lect. Rm. Education C Lawrence 12 English 1 Balch to Hungerford Sever 17 Hurd to Purdy Sever 18 Baines to Zipf Sever 24 Fine Arts 1f Robinson Hall Geology 8 Sever 5 German 1a, I Sever 6 Government 19 Harvard 2 History B Sever 30 History 1 Mr. Artz, 2, 11, 22, 25 New Lect. Hall Mr. Beller, 14, 17, 27 New Lect. Hall Mr. Graves, 3, 18, 29 New Lect. Hall Mr. Higgins, 4, 32 Zool. Lect. Rm. Mr. Kates, 5, 20 Zool. Lect. Rm. Mr. Lear, 6, 12, 23 Emerson D Mr. Palmer, 7, 19, 30 Harvard 5 Mr. Salmon, 8, 28, 31 Emerson D Dr. Schaeffer, 1, 13, 15 Harvard 6 Mr. Stauffer, 10, 16, 21 Geol. Lect. Rm. Mr. Williams, 9, 24, 26 Sem. Mus. 1 History 3a Benkard to Putnam Sever 29 Shea to Wood Sever 30 History 18 Emerson J Italian 2 Sever 23 Latin 8 Sever 23 Mathematics A I, 1, 2 Sever 36 Mathematics 2, I Addinall to Flexner Sever 32 Greenman to Wyman Sever 35 Music 2 Harvard 2 Physics 6a Fogg Lect. Rm. Psychology 21a Emerson A Semitic 9 Abrahamson to Podolsky Holden Chapel Riseman to Weintraub Fogg Lect. Rm. 2 P. M. Anthropology 1 New Lect. Hall Chemistry 2 New Lect. Hall Social Ethics A Emerson J ENGINEERING SCHOOL 9.15 A. M. Engineering 121 Pierce 304 Engineering 200 (non-industrial) Pierce 202 Engineering 210 Pierce 304 TOMORROW COLLEGE 9.15 A. M. TUESDAY, FEB 5 B Fine Arts 5e Widener Lib. Fine Arts 5f Fogg Mus. French 2 Prof. Whittem, 1 Emerson A Mr. Fraker, 9 Sever 35 Mr. Gifford, 5, 15 Emerson D Mr. Gilligan, 2, 8 Emerson J Mr. G. N. Lincoln, 3 Emerson F Mr. J. N. Lincoln, 4, 12 Emerson D Mr. Raiche, 10 Sever 36 Mr. Sexton, 7 Sever 23 Mr. Sexton, 11 Sever 24 Mr. Webster, 6 Sever 5 Mr. Webster, 14 Sever 6 Prof. Weston, 13 Emerson D French 26 Sever 18 German 13 Sever 23 History 47 Sever 24 Latin 3 hf Sever 18 Latin 7 hf Sever 18 Semitic 3 Andover C 2 P. M. Engin. Sciences 3 Pierce 302 Music 1 Pierian Room ENGINEERING SCHOOL 2 P. M. Engineering 30 Pierce 302 Engineering 30a Pierce 302