

Three Squash Teams Picked for Interdormitory Competition--Basketball Championship Not Yet Decided

With the approaching close of the winter, the interdormitory squash season drew to a close with the selection yesterday of 3 dormitory teams. Freshman intermural hockey and basketball are also showing signs of coming to an end.

After four weeks of tournament play for each domitory Mr. Sayles the Squash instructor, has delegated the following teams to compete for the dormitory title the playing for which ends a week from Friday: Gore: 1. S. Morris: 2. C. C. Colby: 3. E. M. Weld: 4. H. Bowker: 5. L. Levinson. Standish: L. W. Stern: 2, C. S. Smith: 3. R. B. Shneider: 4. J. Gerstein; 5. C. Vremer. Smith 1. R. M. Woolen. 2. D. Barnum. 3 L. H. Gordon: 4. C. Grayson. 5. E. Bauer.

The Dormitory Basketball Championship is still undecided with Gore leading Standish by a scant half-game at the present time. Coach Chase of the Freshman Basketball Team expressed himself yesterday as most pleased with the work of S. D. Woodard of Standish. K. H. Doan of Gore, and H. L. Harmon of Smith who are the outstanding players of their respective teams.

The uncertainty of the weather this winter has prevented the formation of a dormitory Hockey league. The hockey players already have begun to join the Spring Sports, crew and baseball which are just commencing.
