

Coach Brown Picks Johnson, Weisman, J. P. Hubbard, and Fordyce as Captains--These Select Their Own Boats

Four class crews, two each from the Sophomore and Junior classes, rowed on the machines as units yesterday for the first time. These crews were chosen not by Coach Brown, but by captains appointed by him. On Wednesday they will make their debut on the rejuvenated tank.

Tdhe tank is no longer the dreaded back-breaking institution it used to be. With a 90 horse-power airplane motor to keep the water moving with its two propellers at a moderate rate, and with the continued use of the perforated oars, conditions of rowing indoors are made to approach as nearly as possible those outdoors in the river. Mirrors have been placed along the walls so that oarsmen may see their own errors. The refitting and the installing of the motor have been under the direction of Professor Warren of M. I. T.

The four class crews will row under the direction of Coach Brown as they are until the spring vacation, when the dropping of the third University crew will necessitate a revision. G. R. Johnson '25, H. J. Weisman '25, J. P. Hubbard '26 and J. R. Fordyce '26 are the captains of the eights, which they have chosen as follows:

Junior.--Bow, Hammond; 2, Fairleigh; 3, Washburn; 4, Kendall; 5, Bohlen; 6, Theopold; 7, Pond; stroke, Weisman.

Junior.--Bow, Shaw; 2, Watts; 3, Trafford; 4, Holden; 5, Boyden; 6, Reber; 7, Johnson; stroke, Thompson.


Sophomore.--Bow, Macnair; 2, Hoagland; 3, Wolcott; 4, Macomber; 5, Huntington; 6, Hubbard; 7, Storey; stroke, Lund.

Sophomore.--Bow, Dane; 2, Gale; 3, Keyes; 4, Manly; 5, Blosser; 6, Fordyce; 7, Barton; stroke, Smith.
