The first opponent in the national squash racquets tournament for W. P. Dixon '25, the Boston individual entry, will be D. McV. Key '22, the representative for Washington, D. C. In the University tournament in 1922 Key won the championship, defeating Dixon, who was then a Freshman. Though this match will be one of Dixon's hardest before the finals, because of his constant practice and steady improvement, a different result from that in 1922 is expected. The Philadelphia representive, William F. Harrity, will probably be the most difficult obstacle for Dixon to overcome for the championship.
Though Boston is the present incumbent of the national team championship, the British team is strong this year and has a chance of carrying the title across the sea for the first time. On this year's Boston team there are two University players. The outfit comprises C. C. Peabody of the Tennis and Racquet Club, R. A. Powers of the B. A. A., channing Wakefield 2L, Carroll Harrington '24, and Malcolm Bradlee of the Tennis and Racquet Club.
Dixon's match with key will be held at 12.00 at the B. A. A., tomorrow. The finals of the individual tournament will be held Sunday at 11.30. At the University Courts tomorrow at 10.00 the Philadelphia team will meet Buffalo.
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