
Each Cigarette stays perfect in this package until you smoke it

There is hardly anything more perfect than the cigarettes rolled by the marvelous modern machines with which all great cigarette factories are equipped.

That is, they are perfect when they come from the machines and practically as perfect when they reach the smoker.

But what about the final five of a package of twenty, after the package has become crushed in the pocket, and the tail-enders thrown crosswise and generally tangled up? Or how about those that wander out of the package into the pocket?

Twenty-five per cent of the once perfect cigarettes in the ordinary container are apt to end up flattened, bent, broken, and in a generally disreputable condition.

So, buying twenty cigarettes, you may get fifteen perfect ones, and five in various states of damage.


The new and improved Reedsdale container was designed to deliver twenty perfect cigarettes to the package whenever and wherever you smoke them. Number twenty is as perfect as number one.

It is, to the best of our knowledge and belief, the one package that preserves both aroma and form. This is because the inner air-tight wrapping is enclosed in an outer box that is light and comfortable in the pocket, yet adequate to preserve the cigarettes in perfect shape.

Suppose you try your first package of Reedsdale just to get this 100 per cent insurance feature, and then see if the connoisseur-blend of fine tobaccos does not prove an equally happy revelation to you.

Popularly priced

Reedsdale Cigarettes are 20c for a package of twenty. They are now sold by many tobacco dealers and their distribution is being rapidly extended.

If you have any difficulty in finding them we will send you a carton of 5 packages of Reedsdale Cigarettes (100 cigarettes) post paid for a dollar. Smoke one package at our risk. If you don't like them, return the four remaining packages and we will refund your dollar. Address Reed Tobacco Co., Dept. H, South 21st St., Richmond, Va.
