(The CRIMSON invites all men in the University to submit signed communications of timely interest. It assumes no responsibility, however, for sentiments expressed under this head and reserves the right to exclude any whose publication would be palpably inappropriate.)
To the Editor of the CRIMSON:
I want to point out that the word scofflaw was coined to stigmatize only those wets who advocate breaking or who do themselves break the law of the country. If a man conscientiously believes that the modification of the Volstead Act or the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment would be for the good of his country, and yet respects the law while it is on the books, the word scofflaw would in no way apply to him. Scofflaw is meant to stigmatize a certain class of lawbreakers, and this purpose is entirely legitimate.
On the other hand, the competition which the Advocate is running is directed against a certain class of people only because they hold conscientious opinions. A scofflaw is no more the opposite of a dry than he is the opposite of a law-abiding wet. Thus this competition cannot possibly be considered an answer to Mr. Delcevare King's. It is but the beginning of a mud-slinging contest between wets and drys, and as such I do not think it ought to have the support of the CRIMSON which is a paper that should be above participating in such contests. --Horr Rooxey Gaulf '26
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