New Haven, Conn., February 11.--The Yale Daily News, enlarging upon its new program of "sweeping innovations", featured in its editorial columns today the advocacy of cheaper fraternity houses and a new eating club.
"Recently announced University building plans," said the editorial, "necessitate the removal of four out of five existing college fraternity houses. With the number of undergraduates more than twice that of a decade ago, there has been no increase in the number of fraternities.
"There was a time when it was necessary to shroud all University social activities in a gloom of secrecy. The present houses were built under this theory. Since then the general attitude has changed; there is no longer the need for mystery in the junior fraternities, and there has grown a real need and desire for open houses."
The editorial closed with praise of college fraternities as organizations "affording friendships, and new interests," providing they do not degenerate into cliques.
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