

Ticket and Hymn Competitions Are Now Open--Pfaffmann Announces Cap and Gown Regulations

K. S. Pfaffmann '24, chairman of the Senior Class Day Committee yesterday announced Class Day plans in connection with Senior caps and gowns and with competitions for Class Day ticket designs and the words of the Baccalaureate Hymn.

Arrangements are now ready to have members of the Senior Class measured for caps and gowns at the Cooperative Society, which will attend to all ordering and delivering of the outfits. As an incentive to early measurement and to lessen the congestion later in the spring, the price of the outfit will be $9.50 until April 1, when it will be advanced to $10.

Tradition requires Seniors to wear caps and gowns every morning until 1 o'clock from May 1 until the close of the college year. Red tassel and braid distinguishes the outfits of class officers.

For the ticket and hymn competitions, the committee announced the requirements for entries. Ticket designs should be simple so that the reproductions will be clear. They should be made on white paper in black India Ink and be four and one-half by seven and one-half inches in size. They must bear the following words respectively.

Yard Tickets "Harvard Class Day 1924. Admit one to the Yard 2, 11 P. M., June 17"


Stadium Tickets "Harvard Class Day 1924. Stadium exercises 4 P. M. June 17."

Memorial Tickets "Harvard Class Day 1924. Admit one to Memorial Hall 8-11 P. M. June 17."

Three Class Day tickets will be awarded to the winners.

The words for the hymns should be set to some familiar tune such as "Integer Vitae" or "Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand."

Both contests will close on Monday March 17 K. S. Pfaffman 24, at Holworthy 2, will receive the entries.
