

The gentlemanly tradition of the College is challenged. A long series of abuses of reading room privileges has provoked a very moderate protest, printed elsewhere, from the harassed Librarian. The disclosure of stealing, mutilation, and abuses of purposely lenient rules but repeats common knowledge; the student body is well aware that some users of the library are robbing the rest by mean and annoying practices. The whole gamut of petty crime, from defacement of pictures and pages to temporary removal or real theft, is traversed by a few, too inconsiderate of others and too greedy of their own convenience.

That a public library frequented by all classes, should suffer from marauding and mutilation is only to be expected. But that a college library, limited to a supposedly fair-minded group of students, and governed under the fairest rules and with the utmost freedom, should be victimized by utterly selfish abusers of privilege, lascivious commentators and petty thieves is an insult to the spirit of the University.
