

Teams Meet on Two Days Notice--Were Scheduled to Play January 10--Yale Also Plays 101st Artillery

With only two days' notice, the University polo team will meet the Yale riders this evening at 8 o'clock in the Commonwealth Armory in Boston. The Yale team, which the University had expected to meet on January 10, arranged to come to Boston at the-present time to play the 101st Field Artillery poloists, and at the last moment decided to meet the Crimson players tonight for the second time this year. This change in the plans of the two teams was made necessary by the refusal of the Yale Athletic Association to permit the Eli polo team to make more than one trip to Boston.

Yale Triumphed in First Meeting

The first game between the University and Yale, which was played at New Haven on November 21, resulted in the defeat of the Crimson horsemen. But Captain Clark, coach of the University team, expects his charges to make a much more impressive showing against the Yale riders this time. In New Haven they were handicapped by a small field and strange ponies, but tonight the conditions will be reversed, the University will be playing on its home field, which is much larger than the New Haven Armory, and will have the use of its own mounts.

Tonight the University team will line up with Shaw at number one. White at number two and Captain Kent at back. The Yale players will be: number one, Baldwin; number two, Hewitt; back, Hunt. The University has an abundance of good substitute material including Pinkerton, Peil and Stranahan, who have been playing on the second team in practice, and who will be very likely to see action in the game this evening.

Tonight's match may be a round robin, with the University playing the Artillery outfit as well as Yale, but at a late hour last night Captain Clark thought that this was improbable.
