

Second and Last Performance Set for Tomorrow Evening--Hottinguer and Miss Sabine Play Leading Roles

"Le Monde ou I'On s'Ennuie", a comedy in three acts by Edouard Pailleron, will be presented this afternoon in the Fine Arts Theatre in Boston by the Cercle Francais. The second and last performance will take place at 8.15 tomorrow evening.

This play, which is the 39th annual production of the Cercle Francais, was written in 1881. The author was known as a keen student of the adolescent girl in all her complexities and vicissitudes. He shows her manner of laughing, sometimes mocking, sometimes subdued; he pictures her amiable in her troubles, and proud in her regrets. He shows how she attempts to conceal her preferences, then how she betrays herself, blushes, and becomes care-free and dreamy when love knocks at the door.

Miss Sabine is Central Figure

In "Le Monde ou I'On s'Ennuie" he has embodied these characteristics in Suzanne de Villiers, whose part is played by Miss Janet Sabine. Some of the other characters in the play have become classic. La Duchesse de Reville personifies common sense and defiance of convention. La Comtesse de Ceran typifies coldness, severity, and conventionality. These roles are played by Miss Ethel Thayer and Miss Emily Sears respectively. Lucy Watson, played by Miss Mary Otis, is an English girl who quotes Hunter and Darwin profusely and publicely, desiring to pass as a member of the "intelligensia".

Phillipe Hottinguer 1G.B.. as Bellac, plays the principal male role of a hypocrite who seeks by well-turned and epigrammatical phrases to win the admiration of all the ladies.


The cast follows: Bellac  Phillipe Hottinguer 1G.B. Roger de Ceran  E. P. Etting '28 Paul Raymond  R. D. Merrian '27 Toulonnier  J. D. Lodge '25 Le General de Briais  Roger Coolidge '27 Virot  C. C. Mason '25 Francois  H. W. Pfund 1G. De Saint-Reault  Yves Buhler '20 Galac  C. M. S. Grayson '27 Melchoir de Boines  Jerome Wheelock '27 Un Domestique  Samuel Reber '25 Un autre Domestique  Edwardo Andrade '28 Des Millets  Ernest Quincy '25 La Duchesse de Reville  Ethel Thayer Madame de Loudan  Edith Parker Jeanne Raymond  Helen Grew Lucy Watson  Mary Otis Suzzanne de Villiers  Janet Sabine La Comtesse de Ceran  Emily Sears Madame Arriego  Mary Murray Madame de Boines  Rosamond Murray Madame de Saint-Reault  Jane Coolidge Femme de chambre  Josephine Roach
