

The Bakerary Digest

Once a student put this question to Professor Charles T. Copeland: "What," asked the young man, "was the distance, between Athens and Sparta?" "The same," answered Copey, "as the distance between Cambridge and New Haven."

Puzzle: Find Athens now. Boston Globe.

"The acquisition of Professor Baker is a triumph."   Yale Daily News.

Harvard fumbles; Yale recovers.   Heywood Broun in the New York World.

With the acquisition of the Big Three football title and Professor George Pierce Baker, Yale doubtless will enjoy Thanksgiving.   Providence Journal.


It is a curious and questionable principle, upon which the authorities at Harvard denied Professor Baker adequate equipment, even forbade him to raise an endowment fund by outside subscription. As to library and laboratory their liberality knows no bounds short of an unbalanced budget. Undergraduates are trained to the manipulation of microscope and dissecting knife. . . But if young men and women are bent upon analyzing the life about them, or upon assembling the results of their observations in dramatic character. . . they, and the teacher who abets them, are suspect.   New York Times.

"Nice little job," sings Yale to Harvard, "for your Dramatic-shop Baker."   Boston Globe.

H. L. K. thinks that Harvard made a mess of that George Pierce Baker deal. "Why didn't they trade him," he asks, "for Tad Jones, Ducky Pond, Lovejoy, and three other players?"   Heywood Broun in the New York World.

Even Professor Baker's departure is dramatic.   Boston Herald.

"It is Yale's gain and Harvard's loss.   Boston Transcript.

That Professor Baker sought larger opportunity at Harvard, and the privilege of developing an experimental theater has been admitted by himself. It is to be inferred that Harvard has quite definitely decided that it did not care to have an experimental theater as an appurtenance to its department of English.   Springfield Daily Republican.
