The Princeton Triangle Club will present its musical comedy "The Scarlet Coat" at the Boston Opera House December 20 at 8.15 o'clock. The proceeds from this performance will be divided between the Building Fund of the new Triangle Club Theatre at Princeton and the Endowment fund of the University. The Triangle Club is coming to Boston this year at the invitation of the Hasty Pudding Club and the New England Association of Princeton Alumni.
The scene of this year's production is laid in the North West country and its action deals with the fortunes and misfortunes of one Pierre of the Woods, the leading character, who is a free trader struggling against the competition of the Hudson Bay Company. Pierre is alsely accused of being a robber by an unscrupulous but clever gambler known as the Count. These accusations are responsible for the appearance of a silent character attired in a scarlet coat, a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Upon this silent spectator hinges the action of the plot, for by his appearance upon the stage he directs the course of the entire play, although not speaking a word.
Secret W. Service Is Character
The love interest is supplied in the part of Charline, the daughter of MacGregor, the Scotch facteur of the Hudson Bay Company's post at Koyokuk. In the character of Secret W. Service, the anaemic poet of the northland, is offered an opportunity for rich satire upon literature dealing with the "great open spaces."
The Specially Orchestra which made a European tour last summer will accompany the Club on this year's trip.
Tickets for the Boston performance may be bought at Leavitt & Peiree's.
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