A big track rally, preparatory to the 1925 season will be held at the Varsity Club tonight at 8 o'clock. Coach E. L. Farrell has urged all those interested in track to be present.
Captain H. T. Dunker '25, Coach Farrell, W. J. Bingham '16, head coach in 1921 and 1922, and W. A. Barron '14, former University track captain, will out line plans for the coming indoor campaign. Candidates will be warned of the dangers of the mid-year examinations, which have proved a stumbling block to so many promising University squads in the past.
After the speaking motion pictures of the Intercollegiate meet and Olympic tryouts which were held in the Stadium last spring will be shown. Then refreshments will be served.
As the winter season begins the first day after vacation this meeting offers an opportunity for new men to learn of what track work at the University consists.
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