ing of the Magi before Herod, and the adoration of the shepherds and the Magi. The author of the play is unknown, for it was handed down from mouth to mouth for over a hundred years before being written down late in the fourteenth century.
The University Glee Club will render several chants, taken from the Catholic Mass, from behind the scenes. They will be directed by D. V. Thompson T. S.
The audiences at the performances will be limited to 150, due to the small size of the room where the play is to be even. Only guests of the Dramatic Club and those who attended the performances will be limited to 150, due to the small size of the room where the play is to be even. Only guests of the Dramatic Club and those who attended the performances of "Pedro the King" will be admitted. The latter may obtain tickets by applying at the Germanic Museum.
The cast: G. A. Millikan '27, R. G. Rosegrant '26, D. F. Robinson '26.
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