

507 Applicants for 32 Places--Yale Has One Winner--Princeton Has Three--Brown and Army Have Two

Swarthmore, Penn., December 14, 1924. Two Rhodes Scholarships have been awarded to candidates accredited from Harvard, in the annual elections completed yesterday, according to an announcement made here tonight by President Frank Aydelotte, of Swarthmore College, American Secretary to the Rhodes Trustees.

Steere From Michigan Agricultural

The two are John L. J. Hart '26 of Denver, Colorado; and Mason Hammond '25 of Nahant, Massachusetts. In addition, Douglas V. Steere, a second-year graduate student accredited from Michigan Agricultural College, was elected for Michigan.

The competition this year was the keenest in the twenty years that have elapsed since the first Rhodes Scholar was elected. For the 32 appointments in as many states there were 507 candidates from 184 different colleges and universities. These candidates accredited from the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, were awarded scholarships from the states of New Hampshire, Maryland, and Washington, yesterday. This is the first time that an award has been made to a West Point man. Princeton had three successful candidates. Brown two and Yale one.

Mason Hammond was in the Junior eight elected to Phi Beta Kappa in the class of 1925. He expects to specialize in the classics at Oxford.


Immediately on receipt of the news of their election, Hart and Steere left for their homes, so it was impossible to obtain definite information about them last night. It is understood, however, that Steere will specialize in Philosophy.
