
The Tiger Prepares

Princeton, N. J., November 6.--"You have played only ten minutes of real football all fall. The outcome is up to you. If you do not win, you can walk home from Cambridge," were the words with which Coach Roper raked the Tiger eleven over the coals at the mass meeting here tonight. Coach Poe of the second team and Captain Stout also spoke.

The starting line-up was announced at the end of practice. Dinsmore will start at quarter, with a backfield of Gibson, Dignan, and Caldwell. The line will include Stout and Drew, ends; Gates and Beattle, tackles; Hills and Howard, guards; McMillan, center.

The light backfield made up of Weeks, Slagle, Williams, and Gilligan will be held in reserve. Slagle averaged 55 yards in punting, his best distance of the season. Dignan, who will do the punting for the starting line-up, also got good distance.

Today's practice was dummy scrimmage. Coaches Lourie, Wittmer, and Van Gerbig entered the scrub line-up to give the regular eleven defensive drill.
