
The Tiger Prepares

Princeton, N. J., November 5, 1924.-Preparations for the Harvard gridiron contest are coming to a head on the campus here, accompanied by a feeling that we have at least a toss-up chance to win Saturday. Practice lasted one hour and a half this afternoon, and consisted mostly of a fast signal drill for both the first and second elevens.

The team will get its send-off tomorrow night when the Captain and Coach will address a mass meeting of the entire student body in Alexander Hall. The eleven will reach Cambridge Friday morning, and will be given a short workout in the Stadium.

Practice tomorrow will be short and will be devoted exclusively to a last minute rehearsal of signal play. As a result of the cessation of scrimmages with the scrubs, every man on the squad is in good condition. Single, Gilligan, and Dinsmore, three of the best backfield men, did not even play in last Saturday's game with Swathmore. Coach Roper worked his two teams today for 45 minutes on forward passes, and a straight running attack, with a scrub line giving opposition in dummy defense.

The line-up against Harvard will be as follows: McMillan center, Hills and Howard guards, Beattie and Gates tackles, Captain Stout and Dinsmore ends.

The backfield is not yet definitely decided upon.
