
The Tiger Prepares

Princeton, N. J., November 4.--The final stages of practice for the game with Harvard started in earnest today. Coach Roper worked his first and second teams hard till long after dark. Punting, drop kicking, individual position drill, dummy practice and comprehensive offensive and defensive movements were taken up and treated in turn.

It is, of course, too early in the week to make an attempt at spotting the lineup which will start at Soldiers Field on Saturday. Coach Roper was giving every member of the squad a chance to show any latent possibilities he may possess this afternoon. He kept Samuel Ewing, the Sophomore who was responsible for the winning dropkick in the Navy contest hero last month, busy for more than an hour practicing sending the ball between the goal posts. Slagle and Dignan were doing the punting.

It is probable that during the team's absence over the weekend, Palmer Stadium will be loaned to two outside teams.


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