

In nominating Caesar Augustus Flint for county treasurer, his friends believed they were choosing an invincible candidate.

His record was clean; his honesty never had been impugned, even when the impugning was easy; he could write his name so that it was almost undecipherable, and in other ways he seemed to be eminently qualified for the high office to which he aspired.

Unfortunately, however, he waxed his mustache and parted his whiskers.

Could the proletariat warm up to a candidate who spent precious moments daily in training and caressing his facial dandelions? Not in a thousand years!



softens the beard at the base

If Mr. Flint had known how easy it is to shave with Colgate's Rapid-Shave Cream he would undoubtedly have eliminated his whiskers and escaped burial in the landslide that overwhelmed him when the untrammeled citizens of Adams County turned out to exercise their rights of suffrage

With hot water or cold, Colgate's softens the beard quickly, and it leaves the face cool, soothed and velvet. Men who lather with this marvelous cream need no lotions to relieve or disagreeable dryness of the skin.

Colgate's gives a better shave.

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