

Tomorrow afternoon in Jordan Hall Charles Naegele, pianist, will play Bach's Prelude and Fugue in D major, Chopin's Sonata in B minor and Schumann's "Symphonic Studies."

Tomorrow evening in Jordan Hall, a concert by Abbie Conley Rice, contralto. She will sing numbers by Haendel, Arne, Haydn, Strauss and Chausson.

Thursday evening in the same hall a concert by Betty Gray, also contralto. The program draws on Meyerbeer, Rossini, Brahms and Duparc.

The same evening in Sanders Theatre, a concert by the Boston Symphony Orchestra, Serge Koussevitzky conducting. The program, embraces Emmanuel Bach's Concerto for Orchestra, the "Venusberg music" from "Tannhaeuser," the Prelude to Mussorgsky's opera, "Khovantchina," a Scherzo from Rimsky-Korsakov's opera, "Tsar Salten" and Brahms' Fourth Symphony.

Friday afternoon and Saturday evening in Symphony Hall, the regular concerts of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. The program: Mussorgsky's "Pictures at an Exhibition"; Beethoven's Overture to "Egmont"; Arensky's Variations on a Theme of Tchaikovsky, and Mozart's Symphony in G major.


Sunday afternoon in Symphony Hall a concert of piano music by Josef Hofmann, flawless technician and thorough artist. He will play a Beethoven Sonata (Opus 111) and selections from Schumann and Chopin.
