The Reverend Arthur Cayley Headlam, Bishop of Gloucester, eminent English divine, will deliver the six William Belden Noble lectures at the University this year. The lectures, which are open to the public free of charge, will be given in Emerson Hall on alternate evenings for the two weeks beginning Monday, November 24. The general subject of the course will be "The Life of Christ".
On Monday, November 24, Bishop Headlam will speak on "The Historical Authority for Our Lord's Ministry". The other subjects are; Wednesday, November 26, "The Life and Purpose of Jesus of Nazareth"; Friday, November 28, "The Teaching of Jesus"; Monday, December 1, "The Death of Jesus"; Wednesday, December 3, "The Personality of Jesus The Resurrection and the Virgin Birth", and in conclusion. "What Think To of Christ". Whosoever is Me? Christ and the Church." This final lecture will be given either Thursday, December 4, or Friday, December 5, at an hour to be announced later. All the other lectures will begin promptly at 8 o'clock.
Bishop Headlam will also be the preacher at Appleton Chapel on Sunday morning, November 23, and he will conduct the morning prayers for the week following. He has been a Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, and Regius Professor of Divinity and Canon of Christ Church. He is the author of many theological works including. "The Teaching of the Russian Church", "St Paul and Christianity".
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