


"Of course the most outstanding and unfortunate event of the season", said George Owen. Captain of the University hockey team in 1922 and 1923, when interviewed by a Crimson reporter yesterday, "is the fact that the Yale Arena burnt down last year, which will rather hurt Yale's chances. This is not only most unfortunate for Yale but for us too. However, we still must look forward to some pretty stiff competition from Princeton."

"It seems to me that we ought to have a good season if everything goes well. We certainly have a good nucleus of letter men left. Beals ought to have a very big year. He should find that his experiences on the football team has helped him a good deal. This statement may seem rather ridiculous but it's surprising how the gruelling punishment of football does aid one in all other sports.

Hodder Should be High Scorer

"Hodder should show great improvement, after one year's experience on a University team. He is a good stick-handler and when he gets confidence in his ability to get the opposing defence will probably he a high scorer. Chase is a fast skater, a very hard man to get by, but needs to develop a more powerful shot. He certainly is a fighter, though, and is always in the game.

"Hammond is a rugged defense man and a veteran of many campaigns. Austin is a very fast skater and packs an extremely hard shot. If he gets a little bit shiftier he will make a first class wing.


"As for the goalguards the team has two letter men back. Cumings and Newell. Neither is a first class goalguard but to my mind Newell shows greater promise.

Good Material From 1927

"Last year's Freshman team sends up wealth of fine material. Captain Coady is a big asset, a trifle weak defensively, but strong offensively, as he is very fast, is a good stick-handler, and has a strong shot. Zarakov is one of the cleverest hockey players to come to the University in a long time. Though not especially fast, he makes up for this by his dodging and will give any defense plenty of trouble.

"With this amount of material Harvard should have a steady line of capable reserves, alternating with the starters, thus keeping up a steady policy of aggresion. This is very important for there are few things a team needs as much as first-class substitutes. It would seem that Harvard will have them this year and if the men will make up their minds to go right out, start the game with a rush, and keep a steady pressure upon their opponents, there is no reason why Harvard should not have the outstanding college team of the year."
