


The real work of the basketball season started yesterday afternoon with the first practice for all candidates in Hemenway Gymnasium at 3 o'clock. Coach Wachter put the fifty candidates through preliminary exercises in passing the ball, dribbling, shooting baskets, and other fundamentals of the game. There was no scrimmaging yesterday, the coach thinking it better to wait until the men have become hardened physically and a little more practiced in the essentials of play before any actual games are played.

Practically all the regulars who returned from last year were at practice yesterday afternoon except men who have been out for football and who will not report for a week or ten days yet. Captain Samborski, who was out for football was at the practice, but did not take an active part except to help Coach Wachter with the new candidates. C. E. Baldwin '26, one of the football men, was also on the floor yesterday afternoon and took an active part in the preliminary work.

The schedule for this year, which was announced recently, is a very hard one, in spite of its shorter length than those of previous years. Instead of the usual two-game series with Yale, the second Yale game has been omitted and the University will meet the Blue but once in New Haven.

Starting out with three games in the first week of the season, the University will meet Columbia on January 19. Columbia has one of the strongest teams it has had in several years and promises to give the University some stiff competition in the third game of the season.

Other powerful aggregations which the University will encounter include North Carolina, Springfield, and Yale, North Carolina is one of the strongest teams in the South, and held the championship of the Southern Basketball League last season. The Springfield Y. M. C. A. College always has a strong quintet, as basketball is one of their major sports. Rochester, which the University will meet on February 20, came within two points of beating the strong Yale outfit which defeated the University last year and will be another hard team for the Crimson to beat.


The entire schedule is as follows:

January 14, Worcester Polytechnic.

January 16, Middlebury.

January 19, Columbia.

January 24, M. I. T. at M. I. T.

January 30, M. A. C.

February 2, North Carolina.

February 7, Dartmouth at Hanover.

February 13, Springfield.

February 20, Rochester.

February 24, Brown at Providence.

March 3, Connecticut Agricultural College.

March 5, Yale at New Haven.
